
  • Biotic inventory and fish habitat assessment;
  • Development and implementation of salmonid enhancement strategies;
  • Baseline data collection and interpretation for juvenile and adult fish stocks;
  • Enumeration of adult salmon escapements using weirs and multiple beam (ARIS and DIDSON) sonar;
  • Mark/recapture techniques and statistical modelling for calculating population estimates and investigating fish population dynamics;
  • Collection and interpretation of baseline riverine and limnology information, including water sampling, bathymetry,  zooplankton sampling and species/biomass inventory, primary productivity assessment and modelling, and  benthic habitat mapping and classification;
  • Use of split beam hydroacoustic and multiple beam high resolution sonar to quantify fish populations,  salmon spawning escapements and  fish species abundance and biomass;
  • Use of a variety of fish collection apparatus and methodologies including gill and seine nets, trawl nets, fyke nets, and electrofishing;
  • Use of a variety of fish anaesthetics (Metomidate hydrochloride, trimethacaine sulphate, CO2) and fish transport and holding techniques including air transport of gametes and fry, oxygenated tanks, fish tubes, and net pens.
  • Salmon broodstock collection and spawning in wild and hatchery/aquaculture operations;
  • Remote field operations, project design, management, and administration;
  • Radio telemetry research on salmon and steelhead stocks;
  • Licensing and permit application preparation and submissions including B.C. water use licence, permits from Transport Canada – Navigable Waters Protection Division,  Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) project reviews and applications,  Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board (YESAB) project submissions, fish egg import/export, and fish collection licenses (YTG, B.C. MELP, and DFO).