Fish Stock Assessment

Metla Environmental has experience in a range of fisheries stock assessment methods.  Population studies have included sampling protocols for a wide range of biological and physical parameters.  Our experience includes the operation of annual long term (30+ years) stock monitoring programs.


  • Fish weirs –  Metla has been involved in the design, construction and operation of traditional fish weirs for over 30 years.  We have designed and built weirs for a range of project locations and species specific function.
  • Sonar and hydroacoustics –  Metla has used sonar and hydroacoustics in a variety of applications for fish population assessments.  These include two ongoing long term Chinook salmon stock monitoring projects using multiple beam sonar.
  • Mark- Recapture –  Metla has used mark- recapture techniques for populations studies on a variety of species and age classes .
  • Sampling –  Metla has experience employing a wide variety of sampling methods for evaluating biological and physical parameters.
  • Modelling – Modelling techniques for examining stock recruitment, MSY, sibling based forecasts and meta-population analysis.